Pavel Kriz
I like to see what I have coded
During my bachelor studies I studied computer graphics. Now I changed my field of study to software engineering, but I still want to create visually interesting apps or to play with image recognition.
I registered for this course without any plans until one guy from ImproLab (FIT CVUT lab) told me an interesting idea. The idea is to create a small app for the open day. The app would be used as follows (but it is still quite open):
- User comes in front of a pc with webcam.
- Application recognises user.
- The application analyses the image of the user face in time and estimates heart rate or breath rate.
- Application displays estimated information to the user.
- The application then might try to relax the user... (not thought through till the end)
- Discord username: Pavel Kříž#5021
- Uni mail: krizpav6